Public Relations/Publicity - To build credibility and awareness
A. Create a Press Kit with the following items:
• Corporate Backgrounder
• White Paper-Describes Company Markets, where they compete, need
for products and positioning
• Multimedia CD-ROM including all similar information and link to
• Product Info sheets
• Press Announcements
• Reprints
B. Editorial Calendar to manage and create Publications Editorial
C. Press Tour to announce BMW Financial Services Web site it's products
2. Direct Mail -
To provide detailed selling story, generate leads, and sales
A. Creation of a direct mail campaign targeted to the primary target audience.
This direct mail piece would include a letter and CD-ROM outlining
positioning and inviting customers to participate in the values and
B. Work with list broker, test 1,500 names from each mailing list
to determine
the best lists.
here for example
3. Telemarketing
- To increase DM response rates, and generate sales
Follow up calls to the direct mail database. This should increase
response by
15%-20%. We will test the telemarketing to determine if it is getting
the necessary
response rate to merit its continued use.
4. Tradeshows -
To provide Web site product demonstrations, leads, and sales
Join in sponsorships and speaker events. Use corporate video and
Multimedia CD-ROM as platform.
5. Tradeshow
Mailer - To create awareness and booth traffic
A mailer inviting people to the booth for a presentation and free CD-ROM.
6. Corporate
Video - To generate sells and provide product demonstration
An 8-10 minute positioning video based on BMW Financial Services
unique selling
point. The video would use testimonials and a short segment demonstrating
product and describing its values and benefits.
7. Advertising -
To build awareness, establish position, and develop leads
To support the web site and it's use, a campaign of television, radio
and newspaper
advertising will be launched. The ads will strongly emphasize BMW
Service's unique benefits and the customer's values that align with those
8. E-commerce -
To establish position and build awareness
Work with Web site vendor to properly position all E-commerce
here for example
9. Collateral Materials
- To provide detailed product information and positioning
develop capabilities and positioning brochure that can be used for information
requests and tradeshows and other materials as outlined in publicity and
direct mail.