The role of research will be to help determine whether the product is appropriate and aligned with the market, to see if the advertising is appropriate and saying the right thing. It will also identify strategic selling ideas and better define the target audience.


 1.  Identify the target audience and those who are the best prospects.
 2.  Determine what the prospects think about the product.

                     Does it have enough personal interaction?
                     Do they feel comfortable working over the Internet?
                     How do they feel about the product mix (BMW Banking products and 
                     Are the products and services priced appropriately?

3.  What does the prospect value and what are the essential benefits that align with 
     those values?

                     Is the benefit or promise important?
                     Can the product fulfill that promise?
                     Why would the prospect use or not use the product?

 4.  Test advertising ideas to see if they deliver the message.

                     Does the advertising get their attention?
                     Does it create a desire to respond?
                     Is the call to action appropriate?


Two sets of Ten strategically considered dealerships are recommended for study and analysis.  The first set will focus primarily on objectives 1,2 and 3.  The second set will focus primarily on 4 with some additional follow up on 1,2 and 3.  A study of  1,500 current BMW owners and service users would be conducted on the objectives 1-4.